Author: Hakeem Hashmi

Sprains are stretching injuries of ligaments that connect muscles to bones. Ligaments are connective tissue that holds bones together in the skeleton. Sprain occurs only at joints, where two bones are connected. The severity of the injury may vary from a minor stretching that may soon recover fully to a major tear that makes the bony link unstable. Sprains are classified into 3 categories: Severe Partial Mild Common Causes of Sprains Running or walking on uneven ground Wearing high-heeled shoes Overstretching of a ligament During a fall Lifting heavy weight Accidents Home Remedy for Sprains Tip 1 : Chop onions.…

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Snoring is a fairly common affliction, affecting 40 percent of men and 25 percent of women. Older people are particularly prone to snoring: About one-third of people ages 55 to 84 snore. Despite its frequency, however, snoring is a sleep disorder that can have serious medical and social consequences. The tips that follow may help you sleep more peacefully.­ 1. Sleep on Your Side You’re more likely to snore if you’re lying on your back, and sleeping on your stomach is stressful on your neck. 2. Lose Weight Excess body weight, especially around the neck, puts pressure on the airway,…

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Parasites are organisms that invade the body and feed on our nutrients and blood to live. Parasites can be internal and external. While external parasites are mostly visible to the human eye and easily removed through a number of methods, internal parasites are difficult to identify and require more effort to be rid of. External parasites like head lice, and body lice are very common infections in human beings. Parasites, especially, external parasites spread fast through personal belongings, clothes and sheets. Therefore it is of utmost importance to rid them completely from the house to prevent others from getting infected.…

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If you’re sick, and don’t feel like going out, t’s convenient to stay indoors and use some home remedies for chest congestion. Chest congestion is a heaviness and pressure in the as a result of an obstruction to the flow of oxygen into the lungs. Chest congestion can happen as a result of various ailments like the flu, common cold, viral infections or even heart disease. It may also happen due to a buildup of mucus and can lead to asthma and other respiratory problems. Symptoms of congestion include difficulty in breathing, wheezing and pressure on chest. Most of…

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Based on some statistic data, female infertility accounts for nearly 30% of total cases of infertility in couple and other 10% infertility cases are caused by the combination of factors from both partners. That makes female responsible for close to 40% or more of the total infertility cause. In order to choose the effective infertility treatment, the first thing is to find out the real causes of the issues. There are many reasons for female infertility, some are genetic, some are tied to physical conditions, some are related to psychological and life style. Fortunately, there are many more infertility…

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We all get bruised up every once in a while. Whether we get hit, bang our leg or arm on something, or fall down. Bruises are easy to get, especially kids and the elderly. Some people bruise easier than others and will look like they just got beaten up pretty bad. Luckily, there are things a person can do from home to eliminate bruises and not look so beaten up all the time. 1. Ice Putting ice on the bruise in the first 24 hours of it will help get rid of it before it gets too bad. Use an…

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Scurvy is, perhaps, the oldest known deficiency disease. The disease is common among children and is often mistaken for rheumatism, rickets, or paralysis. Scurvy was often subsisted for long periods on salt, fish, meats, and breadstuffs, and were entirely deprived of any fresh food. Later, limes and lemons were included in the supplies, since they were found to be anti-scorbutic, that is, they prevented scurvy. Causes and Symptoms of Scurvy Scurvy is caused by lack of vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Inadequate intake of fresh fruits and vegetables can lead to this condition. Another important cause of scurvy is…

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Bleeding of nose is such a common phenomena during summer in children as well as in adults. Let me give you some very useful tips to stop nose bleeding. Calmly sit down in an upright position, not back in the chair. This will help to keep blood from going down the back of your throat. Breathe through your mouth. Lemon Juice: You can put few drops of lemon juice in your nostrils. Experts suggest that lemon is a good antiseptic that can promote coagulation of blood, thereby treating bleeding of nose. Salt Water Treatment : If nose bleeding is…

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As we age, it is not just our skin but in fact each and every organ of our body that ages too. Thus, our eyes too start to show signs of weakness and decline and sometimes a number of elderly people complain about difficulty in vision. This may happen due to the occurrence of cataract in the eyes, which if not treated on time may even lead to complete loss of vision. In this article, I am going to write about some of the effective natural and home remedies which can be used to cure cataract at the beginning stage…

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Burping is also referred to as belching, or dyspepsia. When your body breaks down food into energy it naturally produces gas. When you burp, you release the gas that has built up in your stomach through your mouth. The sound that is associated with burping is embarrassing and often considered rude in some cultures while in others it shows appreciation for the meal. Although burping is normal and even the most polite of us happen to burp from time to time, excessive burping and belching might be a signal that you suffer from a more serious medical condition. Some of…

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