Author: Hakeem Hashmi

Check out 5 Natural Remedies to Prevent Alzheimer’s! Posted by Home Instead Senior Care in Mountain View. 1. Cinnamon Cinnamon always makes things taste better, why not your brain? Cinnamon is full of antioxidant properties that keep cells safe from oxidative stress and dangerous free radicals. Antioxidants help fight such diseases as cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and Parkinson’s. A study in 2011 found that an extract from cinnamon bark, inhibited the formation of amyloid plaques in mice with Alzheimer’s. It helped to restore cognitive levels and correct movement problems in the animals. Cinnamon also helps the hormone insulin work well, which…

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Some of the home remedies for an addiction to alcohol include the consumption of grapes, bitter gourd, apples, celery, dates, almonds, evening primrose, ginseng, milk thistle, dandelion, skullcap, licorice roots, fruit juices, and a balanced diet. These home remedies have proven to be useful in many cases all over the world. Home remedies for Addiction to Alcohol Grapes : Grapes are one of the most popular and effective home remedies for controlling alcoholic addiction. Whenever you feel like having a drink of alcohol, drink a glass of grape juice or eat a few grapes instead. Since grapes contain the purest…

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In medical terms, white patches on skin are known as vitiligo. This type of patches can appear on different body parts such as hands, feet, arms, legs, face, lips, and around eyes and mouth. The main cause behind this skin problem is lack of the functioning melanin producing skin cells. Other reasons are auto-immune disorder in the body, deficiency of vitamin B12, hyper activity of the thyroid glands, excessive stress, hereditary and increased exposure to sunrays. White patches on the skin can be unpleasant to look at. But, there is nothing to worry about as there are treatments available to…

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Prickly heat is also known as miliary, an itchy rash, small red spots arise that cause stinging or puncture of the skin. The rash can develop anywhere on the body, but most commonly occurs on the face, neck, back, chest and thighs. Symptoms of prickly heat If the sweat gland duct, clogged, then the sweat that stuck causing inflammation, which in turn will cause irritation and itching. Prickly heat usually appear as blisters that are very small or very small reddish bumps on the skin. Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Prickly Heat 1. Oatmeal Oatmeal is an effective home…

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Normally in the mid or late forties, due to hormonal changes that signal the end of a woman’s reproductive ability, menopause occurs. It is a normal event which causes many changes in the woman’s body, including the end of having menstrual cycles, and being able to get pregnant. Some symptoms of Menopause, that a woman may, or may not have, are hot flashes, night sweats, tension, insomnia, diminished interest in sex, and irritability. In some women, the menopausal change takes place without any unpleasant symptoms, the only change really being the cessation of menstrual flow. Home Remedies For Menopause :…

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Jock itch, also known as ‘Tinea Cruris’ is a kind of fungus infection caused due to the exposure and growth of the fungus Trichophyton rubrum. Jock itch affects both men and women and this fungal infection can be found on the groin, buttocks, genital area and inner thighs. Some of the symptoms of jock itch are itching, redness, burning sensation, and flaking of skin on the affected skin area. People having diseases like AIDS, diabetes and obesity are more prone to suffer from jock itch due to weak immune system. Jock itch is mildly contagious, so it is necessary not…

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Jaundice is the yellow discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes. It is caused by a build-up of a substance called Bilirubin.In many cases, yellowness in the white part of the eyes is more obvious than in the skin. Jaundice in newborn babies is common as their livers take time to get working properly. There are three types of jaundice that affects adults are : Hemolytic jaundice Hepatocellular jaundice and Obstructive jaundice Home Remedies for Jaundice : Tip 1 : 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of hot water taken 2-3 times a…

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Hernia home remedies can help alleviate the symptoms of not just inguinal hernia, but other types of hernias too. Hence, there are many health experts too, that advise people to add such remedies to their medical treatment plan. Therefore, given below are certain home remedies for hiatal hernia pain : Home Remedies For Hernia Eating small meals and frequent intervals, making it easier for the digestive system to process them. It is best to eat around 5 to 6 light meals during the day. A gap of minimum 2 to 3 hours should be maintained between a meal &…

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Abrasions are mainly caused due to rubbing of skin against frictional surfaces. This happens to children because of frequent falling from playing and roughhousing. The symptoms of abrasions include the formation of scratches and wounds on the affected area. The skin around the wound usually appears reddish in color. Below is a list of these home remedies for abrasions: Cleaning the Wound : First of all, cleaning the wound is essential to prevent any type of infection from microbes. For this, you must wash the wound with antiseptic soap and warm water before drying it with a clean cloth.…

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Home remedies prove very helpful to treat disorders associated with menstrual cycle of woman. Read on to know more about the home remedies for coping with menstrual pain. Menstrual pain is quite normal symptom during menstruation because the uterus contracts in rhythm so that the blood and different menstrual tissues are excreted out. There are some precautions and tips that can help you reduce the pain and problems that you face during this time. Tips to help you get rid of problems It is good to avoid fried, sour and protein rich foods in the last week of the…

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