Author: Hakeem Hashmi

Flu is a viral illness which is highly contagious that tends to occur in epidemics during winter. It is spread through coughs or sneezing of infected person and also by direct contact with contaminated things like handkerchiefs. Symptoms occur within 24-48 hours after exposure to the infection developing sudden fever, shivering, headache, dry cough, body ache, runny nose, and sore throat. Person will begin to feel better after 4-5 days, but may feel tired and continue coughing for several weeks. Sometimes, flu leads to an infection such as ear infection, sinusitis, and pneumonia. Here are the top 9…

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Breast feeding is a must for growing babies. Breast milk is a nutritional diet that should be given to every baby by her mother. The main symptom of Breast feeding is small red balls appear on the skin. Slowly, these red balls become big with a small mouth at the center, where puss accumulates. With the passage of time these balls become stiff, and the surrounded area also become hard and red. Breast feeding really are painful and irritating. Given below are some of the easiest and effective home remedies for Breast Feeding . Garlic: One of the most…

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Often considered a normal reaction to stress, anxiety is a state of the mind and body, when there are distinctive changes in the emotional, behavioral, thought and sleep patterns. Anxiety is often associated with a sense of restlessness, fear and worry. Causes : The causes responsible for anxiety can be segregated mainly into 3 categories – genetic, neurological and environmental. If there is a history of mental disorders in the family, there is a possibility of it being passed down through the generations. Malfunctioning of the neuro transmitters can also lead to anxiety disorders. Abuse, losing a…

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An itchy eye is a very common problem. The problem worsens in a high-polluted environment or during allergy season. As the name suggests, itchy eyes means an unpleasant itchy sensation in and around the eyes. The problem can be recurring for those who frequently touch or rub their eyes. Health experts suggest finding out the cause of itchy eyes before looking for the solution. For instant relief, there are some easy-to-follow natural treatments for itchy eyes. Many of these remedies use readily available ingredients from your kitchen. Here are the top 10 home remedies for itching eyes. 1. Cold Compress…

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Nasal congestion in simple terms is known as ‘blocked nose’ or ‘stuffy nose’. Nasal congestion happens when there is swelling on the nasal cavity, leading to build up of mucus. Due to this, it becomes difficult to breathe normally. Some main reasons behind this kind of health problem are cold, flu and various types of allergies. It is very important to treat this health problem immediately or else it can cause other problems such as ear infection, restless sleep and so on. Nasal congestion can be more than merely annoying; but luckily, there are many ways to clear congestion. This…

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Foot odor or smelly feet, technically known as bromhidrosis, can be really embarrassing for those suffering from this problem. This usually occurs when your feet sweat and it does not evaporate because you are wearing shoes or socks. Bacteria naturally present in your skin grows as it feeds on the sweat, producing the foul smell. Many natural cures are worth trying to get rid of annoying foot odor. You’ll need to follow them religiously for a certain period of time to get good results. Most are able to resolve the problem within a week or so. For instance, you can…

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Heartburn is characterized by a burning sensation and pain in the stomach and chest (behind the breastbone). The burning sensation is caused by acidic stomach juices rising into the esophagus when the valve between the esophagus and stomach does not close properly. This is why heartburn often occurs after eating fatty, fried, or acidic foods. Other common symptoms of this problem are gas, nausea, bloating, difficulty breathing and a sour taste in the throat and mouth. A variety of natural treatments can provide relief. Here are the top 10 home remedies for heartburn. 1. Baking Soda Baking soda, also known…

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Most of us have suffered through food poisoning at one time or another. Food poisoning is caused by bacteria or other toxins in food. Some of the symptoms are nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Food poisoning should not be ignored. When you are suffering from food poisoning, your body will lose more water than normal. So try to stay well hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water throughout the day. The water will help flush out the toxins and bacteria causing your symptoms. Along with water, you can also drink diluted fruit juice…

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A boil is a kind of skin problem that happens when there is a deep bacterial infection in a hair follicle. A boil starts as a small, red, painful nodule and gradually increases in size. Boils can be very painful and sometimes may be accompanied by fever. At the first sign of a boil, you can start home treatment. There are many readily available ingredients that can provide relief from pain and discomfort and speed up the healing process. The key to healing is to soften the boil so that the bacteria and infection drain out of the swollen area.…

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Earaches can be very painful. Most are due to fluid buildup in the middle ear. This can result from a variety of causes such as loud sounds, the common cold, an ear infection, wax in the ear, blockage in the nasal passage, physical damage to the inside of the ear, an increase in air pressure and so on. Earaches occur more commonly among small children than adults. Here are the top 10 home remedies for earaches. 1. Olive Oil Olive oil can provide fast relief from an earache. Olive oil serves as a lubricant and helps get rid of…

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