Author: Hakeem Hashmi

Latin name : Juglans regia Linn. Sanskrit/Indian name : Akschota Urdu Name : Akhrot General information : Eaten in its raw state, Walnut has a host of therapeutic benefits. Recent studies have shown that Walnuts contain a large amount of fatty acids, which are known to reduce triglyceride levels. Walnut also contains a wealth of other nutrients, which include vitamins B and E and fiber. Apart from the nut itself, Walnut shells act as exfoliating micro-particles and contain acids that are antiseptic and astringent. Walnut kernels are often added to exfoliating scrubs. Therapeutic constituents : Walnuts are rich in…

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Latin name : Curcuma longa Linn. (Zingiberaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Haridra, Rajani, Nisha Haldi, Halada Urdu name : Haldi General information : Turmeric is a vital herb in Ayurvedic medicine, whose spice form can be recognized by its dazzling, yellow color. The root of the herb, used either fresh or dried, has a host of medicinal benefits. It acts as a carminative and also enhances the complexion and skin-tone. In addition, Turmeric can be used to combat liver damage, respiratory disorders and ulcers. Therapeutic constituents : Turmeric’s principal constituent is curcumin, which is a potent antioxidant. Key therapeutic benefits…

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Latin name : Zanthoxylum alatum Sanskrit/Indian name : Tejpal, Tumburu General information : Toothache Tree, native to North America, is also found in the valleys of the subtropical Himalayas. The fruit, bark and stem have all been used in traditional medicine to relieve toothache. It is also referred to as ‘Tingle Tongue’ for the numbing effect it has on the gums and teeth. Therapeutic constituents : The roots, stem and bark of Toothache Tree contain the alkaloid magnoflorine, which gives the tree its pharmacological benefits. Key therapeutic benefits : Toothache Tree extracts are beneficial in alleviating toothache.

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Latin name : Solanum lycopersicum, Lycopersicon esculentum Sanskrit/Indian name : Raktamaci, Tamatar Urdu Name : Timatar General information : Tomato is an important culinary ingredient that is often eaten raw. The fruit is also revered for its therapeutic benefits. It is a potent antioxidant, a rich source of vitamins and minerals, lowers cholesterol, revitalizes the skin and maintains gastrointestinal health. Therapeutic constituents : Tomato contains folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin K and inhibitols, which are related to vitamin E. The principal organic acid present in the Tomato fruit is citric acid. Carotenoids, ß-carotene and lycopene have also been…

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Sanskrit/Indian name : Brahmi, Nira-Brahmi Urdu Name : Jal Brahmi General information : Thyme Leaved Gratiola is a nervine tonic that enhances learning, academic performance and improves mental ability. It acts as an anti-anxiety agent and is used to treat several mental disorders. It also calms restlessness in children. Thyme Leaved Gratiola is used as a nootropic, a drug that enhances cognitive ability. Therapeutic constituents : The herb contains the alkaloids brahmine, herpestine and nicotine. Hersaponin is reported to have cardiotonic and sedative properties. These constituents work synergistically to render the herb its pharmacological properties. Key therapeutic benefits :…

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Latin name : Crataeva nurvala, C. magna Sanskrit/Indian name : Varuna Urdu name : Barna General information : Three Leaved Caper is found throughout India, especially along the river banks. It possesses anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lithontriptic, demulcent and tonic properties. Therapeutic constituents : The bark of Three Leaved Caper contains ceryl alcohol, friedelin, lupeol, betulinic acid and diosgenin, which constitute the pharmacological properties of the herb. Key therapeutic benefits : Three Leaved Caper is beneficial in the treatment of urinary tract infections, painful and burning urination, and urinary and kidney stones.

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Latin name : Datura metel Linn. (Solanaceae), D. fastuosa Linn., D. alba (Ness) Sanskrit/Indian name : Dhatura, Dhatur Urdu Name : Dhatura General information : Thorn Apple has been used in traditional medicine for healing for centuries. It is recommended for treating respiratory disorders, fevers and joint aches. Thorn Apple is also a potent sedative. Therapeutic constituents : The principal active constituent of Thorn Apple is a hyoscine—scopolamine. Scopolamine, which is primarily a sedative, also possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Key therapeutic benefits : A poultice made from Thorn Apple extracts has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which alleviate joint…

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Latin Name : Eclipta prostrata (Linn.) Linn./ Eclipta alba (Linn.) Hassk. (Asteraceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Bhringaraja, Kesharaja, Kesharanjana Hindi Names : Bhangra, Mochkand, Babri English Name : Thistles Urdu name : bhangra, babri, bhangra, bhangra General information : The genus name comes from the Greek word meaning “deficient,” referencing the absence of bristles and awns on the fruit. The term Eclipta alba means “white” which refers to the color of the flowers. The herb has been traditionally used in Ayurveda mainly for the treatment of liver cirrhosis. It is bitter, hot, sharp and dry in taste. Therapeutic constituents :…

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Latin name : Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees (Acanthaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Bhunimba, Yavatikta, Kalamegha General information : The Creat is considered to be one of the most bitter plants used in traditional healthcare. Due to its bitter qualities, it is referred to as Hempedu Bumi, which means ‘Bile of the Earth’. Native to India and Sri Lanka, some cultures call the herb Mahatita, which literally translates to ‘King of Bitters’. Also known as ‘Indian Echinacea’, The Creat possesses antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antisteptic properties, which support the overall functioning of the body. Therapeutic constituents : Andrographolide, the major…

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Latin name : Capparis spinosa Linn. (Capparidaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Himsra, Cabra Urdu name : kabar General information : The Caper Bush is an important culinary ingredient in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines. The herb is also used in French and Italian cuisine, in salads and soups. The Caper Bush is credited with antioxidant properties, which improve the body’s immune system and delay the signs of aging. It is also a potent antiviral, an anti-inflammatory and an astringent. Therapeutic constituents : The Caper Bush contains glucosinolates, glucoiberin, glucocapparin, sinigrin, glucocleomin and glucocapangatin. The plant also contains rutin. These chemical…

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