Author: Hakeem Hashmi

Latin name : Caesalpinia digyna Rottl. Sanskrit/Indian name : Udakiryaka General information : Teri Pods are large, prickly shrubs, which grow in abundance in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, as well as the Eastern Ghats. The roots possess astringent, antipyretic and antioxidant properties. Therapeutic constituents : Teri Pods yield the glycoside bergenin, which gives the plant its therapeutic properties. Key therapeutic benefits : As an antioxidant, Teri Pods are revered as a tonic and physical rejuvenative. As an antipyretic, it lowers fever. Teri Pods are also astringent, which, on topical application, heal wounds more quickly.

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Latin name : Borax anhydrous Sanskrit/Indian name : Tankana General information : Hydrated Sodium Tetraborate is commonly known by its Latin name Borax. It is often used as a food additive in countries like China and Indonesia. It is also used as a detergent in household cleaning products! Hydrated Sodium Tetraborate is known to possess antifungal, antiseptic and cooling properties. Therapeutic constituents : Hydrated Sodium Tetraborate is an important boron compound, a mineral and a salt of boric acid, which has medicinal properties. Key therapeutic benefits : Hydrated Sodium Tetraborate has antiseptic, antifungal and cooling properties, which help in treating…

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Latin name : Tamarix gallica auct., Dyer in part, non Linn. (Tamaricaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Jhavuka, Jhav, Jhau Urdu Name : Berge Jhao, Mayee Kalan (galls) General information : Tamarisk, which is found in abundance in North India, has laxative and antihemolytic properties. The herb is often administered for constipation. Therapeutic constituents : Tamarixin is the main chemical constituent of Tamarisk, which gives the herb its therapeutic properties. Key therapeutic benefits : As a laxative, Tamarisk is beneficial in the treatment of constipation. It is also useful in bleeding disorders like menorrhagia and rectal bleeding.

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Latin name : Tinospora cordifolia Sanskrit/Indian name : Guduchi, Amrutha, Giloy, Gurcha Urdu Name : Gilo General information : Guduchi is a part of the rasayanas (traditional rejuvenators and important daily tonics) category of Ayurvedic plants. As per the Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda’s primary text, it is a medhya rasayana or mental rejuvenative. The herb supports the normal function of the immune system by maintaining optimal levels of white blood cells like macrophages. The plant is also used in dyspepsia and various types of fever. Therapeutic constituents : The stem contains alkaloidal constituents, including berberine and bitter principals, including columbin,…

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Latin name : Mimosa pudica Mimosaceae Sanskrit/Indian name : Lajjalu, Lajwanti, Chui- mui Urdu Name : Chhuimui General information : When touched or shaken, the leaves of Touch Me Not droop inwards only to reopen a little later. The plant is also widely used in traditional medicine to treat diarrhea, sinusitis and glandular swellings. Therapeutic constituents : Touch Me Not contains the alkaloids mimosine and turgorin, which make up the chief therapeutic constituents of the plant. Key therapeutic benefits : A herbal composition made from the extracts of Touch Me Not is beneficial in treating diarrhea and dysentery. It…

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Latin name : Viola odorata Linn. (Violaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Neelapushpa, Banafshah Urdu Name : Berge Banafsha (Leaf), Gul Banafsha (Flower) General information : Sweet Violet is an important ingredient in herbal compositions for treating cold and cough. The German Commission E and The British Herbal Pharmacopeia document the traditional use of Sweet Violet for pulmonary infections and as an expectorant for the respiratory tract ailments. Therapeutic constituents : The leaves of Sweet Violet contain the active components friedelin and beta-sitosterol, which give the plant its expectorant properties. Key therapeutic benefits : Sweet Violet is beneficial in the treatment…

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Latin name : Wrightia tinctoria Sanskrit/Indian name : Stri kutaja, Hyamaraka Urdu Name : Indarjao Shirin General information : Sweet Indrajao is a small, deciduous tree, which is found in the Indian states of Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh. A poultice made from the leaves, which has astringent, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, is effective in treating various skin disorders. It is also a potent antidandruff agent, which is beneficial in treating scalp disorders. Therapeutic constituents : The leaves of Sweet Indrajao contain beta-amyrin and glucoside, which give the plant its skin-healing properties. Key therapeutic benefits : Sweet Indrajao…

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Latin name : Helianthus annus Sanskrit/Indian name : Adityabhakta Urdu name : Surajmukhi General information : Sunflowers, which are revered for their nutritious seeds, are cultivated annually all over India. The essential oil extracted from Sunflower seeds is rich in minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. The oil is a cardioprotective, which promotes heart health. The oil is typically used in Indian cuisine. Therapeutic constituents : Sunflower oil contains vitamin E, phenolic acid, arginine, betaine and lignans, which are cardioprotective agents. Key therapeutic benefits : Lignans, active therapeutic constituents present in Sunflower, lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the…

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Latin name : Parmelia perlata Sanskrit/Indian name : Shaileyam Urdu Name : Charila General information : Stone Flowers are lichens growing in rosettes or spreading irregularly over the substratum, which gives the appearance of a flower. It is mainly composed of fungal mycelia, which forms a network enclosing algal cells. The plant has astringent, bitter, acrid, cooling, anti-inflammatory and aphrodisiac properties. Therapeutic constituents : Usnic acid is the key active component of Stone Flowers, which have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Key therapeutic benefits : Stone Flowers are an important ingredient in herbal compositions for the treatment of seminal weakness and…

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Latin name : Boerhaavia diffusa Linn., Boerhaavia repens Linn. (Nyctaginaceae) Sanskrit/Indian name : Punarnava, Shothagni Rakta punarnava, Lal Punarnava, Santh Urdu Name : Punarnava Surkh General information : Spreading Hogweed has been used in the Indian tribal community for centuries as a therapeutic herb. It has many ethnobotanical uses. The leaves are eaten as a vegetable. The root juice is used to treat asthma, urinary disorders, leukorrhea, rheumatism and encephalitis. In addition, the plant has many antimicrobial properties. Therapeutic constituents : The flavonoid arbinofuranoside, present in Spreading Hogweed, lowers serum uric acid, which is helpful in treating urogenital disorders.…

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