An excess or imbalance of digestive acids produced by the stomach can cause a stomach ache, gas, nausea, bad breath and other symptoms. It is a common problem that affects people of all ages. Those who suffer frequently from acidity problems may refer to having an “acid stomach.” Eating spicy foods, lack of exercise, irregular eating habits, stress, or drinking alcohol frequently can lead to acidity problems.

Here are top the 10 home remedies for acidity.

1. Basil Leaves

The medicinal properties of basil leaves will give you instant relief from acidity, gas and nausea.

  • Simply eat some basil leaves thoroughly at the first sign of acid upset. Be sure to chew them thoroughly.
  • You can also boil three to five basil leaves in a cup of water for 15 minutes. You can sweeten this basil tea with honey. Do not add milk, though. Sip it frequently.
  • For those who suffer from acidity frequently, keep crushed and dried basil leaves handy which can be consumed with water or tea for instant relief.

2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon’s unique healing abilities and anti-viral properties can also help you to get rid of acidity. Plus, it works as a natural antacid and helps improve digestive health. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water and boil it for few minutes. Drink this cinnamon tea two to three times in a day. You can also add cinnamon powder to your soup or salad to enjoy its medicinal properties.

3. Butter Milk
Another simple home remedy for acidity is buttermilk. You can buy buttermilk or make it yourself.

  • Grind half to one teaspoon of fenugreeks with a little water to make a paste. Mix it in a glass of buttermilk and consume it.
  • Add a tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice to a cup of buttermilk and let it sit for five minutes before drinking.
  • You can drink buttermilk several times a day until you get relief. Mix in a little black pepper or one tablespoon of coriander leaf juice for best results.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is good for various stomach problems including acidity. If you don’t have apple cider vinegar, you can use white vinegar.

  • Simply mix one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in half a cup of water and drink it.
  • Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey and drink it before eating a spicy meal to avoid this problem.


5. Cloves
Cloves can help alleviate acidity.

  • Chew two to three cloves thoroughly so that the juices are released into your system.
  • Eating crushed cloves and cardamom mixed in equal amounts can help minimize acid trouble and freshen bad breath that often accompanies this problem.


6. Jaggery
The high amount of potassium in jaggery helps maintain the balance of acids in your stomach. You can buy jaggery at most Indian or Asian ethnic grocery stores. After each meal, suck on a small piece of jaggery until acidity subsides. Because it is made from sugar, this remedy is not suitable for people who have diabetes.


7. Ginger
The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger help treat acidity. Ginger juice can also neutralize stomach acids.

  • During acidity just chew a slice of fresh ginger.
  • You can also put some fresh ginger slices in a cup of boiling water, let it steep for a few minutes and then drink it.
  • Even a spoonful of ginger juice taken two to three times a day can provide relief from acidity.

8. Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds can also be used to treat acidity.

  • Slightly crush some roasted cumin seeds and stir it into a glass of water. Drink it with every meal.
  • You can also boil one teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup of water, strain it and then drink the water after your meal.
  • Another option is to mix coriander seeds, cumin seeds powder and sugar.

9. Aniseed
Aniseed helps aid digestion and thus provides relief from acidity.

  • Soak one teaspoon of aniseed in one cup of boiled water overnight. In the morning, strain the water, add a teaspoon of honey to it and sip it at least three times during the day.
  • You can also chew some aniseed after eating a heavy or spicy meal. Chew them thoroughly so that the juice from the aniseed can soothe your stomach.

10. Milk
Milk can help stabilize gastric acids in the stomach and give you relief from acidity. Milk is rich in calcium, which prevents build-up of stomach acid. Simply drink a glass of cold milk after your meal to prevent or soothe acidity problems.

Next time you suffer from acidity, try these remedies. If you do not get relief within a day or two, consult a doctor.


Breakfast: Fruit. Any fruit in season may be used. It is recommended that, not more than three fruits be used at a meal, as, for example, grapes, well-ripened bananas and an apple.

It is acceptable to have an acid fruit breakfast one morning, and a sweet fruit breakfast on the next. In-season breakfast may be made of melons.

In the winter months, one or two dried fruits such as figs, dates, raisins, prunes, etc., may be substituted for the fresh fruits. A winter breakfast of grapes, figs and pears will be found to be ideal.

Noon Meal: A vegetable salad (omitting tomatoes from this salad), one cooked, green vegetable and a starch.

Evening Meal: A large, raw vegetable salad (if nuts or cottage cheese are to be used as the protein, tomatoes may be used in this salad), two cooked non-starchy vegetables and a protein.

Fat meats, sour apples, beans, peanuts, peas, cereals, bread and jam, or hot-cakes and honey or syrup, are notoriously slow in digesting and are frequent sources of discomfort and putrescent poisoning.

Much of this is well known to the layman, and all of it may be known to the careful observer. The intelligent person will not lightly cast aside such facts, but will use them as guides in eating.

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