Normally in the mid or late forties, due to hormonal changes that signal the end of a woman’s reproductive ability, menopause occurs. It is a normal event which causes many changes in the woman’s body, including the end of having menstrual cycles, and being able to get pregnant.

Some symptoms of Menopause, that a woman may, or may not have, are hot flashes, night sweats, tension, insomnia, diminished interest in sex, and irritability. In some women, the menopausal change takes place without any unpleasant symptoms, the only change really being the cessation of menstrual flow.

Home Remedies For Menopause :

Vitamin Supplements :
The disturbing symptoms associated with menopause occur because the ovaries are no longer producing their normal amount of estrogen. Another menopausal risk is a condition called osteoporosis, which, due to a lack of estrogen in the blood, results in severe calcium deficiency causing bone density loss. Because of this, post menopausal women need to increase their calcium intake, and a supplement may help. Vitamin D supplements, essential for absorption of calcium, should also be considered.

Beet Juice :
Beet juice has been found very useful in menopausal disorders. It should be taken in small quantities of 60 to 90 ml at a time, three times a day.

Carrot Seeds :
Carrot seeds have also been found helpful in easing menopausal tension. A teaspoon of the seeds should be boiled in a glass of milk for about ten minutes and taken daily.

Liquorice :
The use of liquorice is one of the most effective remedies for menopausal disorders. Liquorice contains the natural female hormone, estrogen, and can, to a degree, compensate for the lack of natural estrogen production. One teaspoon of the powder should be taken daily. The herb Indian spikenard is another remedy for certain menopausal symptoms. It should be taken in small doses of two grams daily. It soothes the nervous system.

Exercise :
Plenty of outdoor exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling, or weight resistance training are necessary to maintain bone strength.
Avoid Mental and Emotional Stresses and Worries:

Other helpful measures are avoiding mental and emotional stress and worry, getting plenty of sleep and relaxation, eating a healthy diet, and following all the general rules of maintaining a high level of health.

Diet for Menopausal Disorders

Have Seeds, Nuts, Grains, Vegetables, and Fruits
Diet is of utmost importance in menopausal disorders. It should comprise of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits, with emphasis on vitamin E-rich foods, raw and sprouted seeds and nuts, unpasturised high-quality milk, and homemade cottage cheese. An abundance of raw, organically grown fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet. Plenty of freshly-made juices of fruits and vegetables in season should be included.

Avoid Processed, Refined, and Denatured Foods
All processed, refined, and denatured foods should be completely eliminated.

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