Minor burns are those that damage only the top layers of the skin, making the area red and painful. Minor burns are often referred to as first-degree burns. They can be caused by fire, steam, electricity or any other kind of heat.

Minor burns can develop painful blisters if not treated timely. Many natural remedies can promote healing and minimize pain.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for minor burns.

1. Cold Water
You can stop a burn from spreading by running cold water over the burn area for several minutes within seconds of being burned. You can also place a cold compress over the affected area. Repeat the remedy every few hours to relieve pain. Do not use ice as it can restrict blood flow, which can eventually cause damage to the delicate tissues. You can use cold whole milk instead of water.

2. Raw Potato
Raw potato can treat minor skin burns due to its anti-irritating and soothing properties. It will alleviate the pain and reduce the chance of having blisters. Simply cut a slice of raw potato and rub it on the burn, making sure the juice from the potato is releasing over the area. Use this remedy soon after the burn occurs for best results.

3. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has painkilling, astringent and tissue-healing properties that can help in healing burns.

  • Rinse the affected area with cold water or vinegar.
  • Cut a small piece of the aloe vera leaf and apply the fresh gel directly on the burn.

If you do not have an aloe vera plant, you can apply a cream that has aloe vera as an ingredient.

4. Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice
Coconut oil and lemon juice both can help to treat minor burn. Coconut oil is rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid and capric acid that offer anti-fungal, anti-oxidizing and anti-bacterial properties. Lemon juice has acidic properties that naturally lighten the scars. For scalds due to burns, take coconut oil and add some some lemon juice to it. Mix it properly and apply it on the scalds to facilitate healing.

5. Honey
Honey can effectively disinfect wounds and help heal burns. When applied to a burn, honey draws fluids out ofthe tissues and thus cleans the burned area.

  • Spread honey on a gauze bandage and put it directly on the burn.
  • Change the bandage three to four times a day.

6. Black Tea Bags
The tannic acid in black tea can help draw heat out of a burn and thus reduce pain.

  • Put three tea bags in a cup of cool water and let them sit for a few minutes. Then dab the tea bags gently on the burned area.
  • You can also put cold, wet tea bags directly on the burn and wrap them with a piece of gauze to hold them in place.

7. Vinegar
The astringent and antiseptic properties in vinegar can be very helpful in treating minor burns and preventing infection.

  • Dilute any kind of vinegar that you have on hand in an equal amount of water. Use the solution to rinse the burned area.
  • Later, cover the injured area with a cloth soaked in diluted vinegar. Replace the cloth with a fresh one every two to three hours.

8. Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil has both antiseptic and painkilling properties. The oil will also reduce the risk of scarring.

  • Simply apply lavender oil directly on the burn several times day.
  • You can also pour lavender oil onto a piece of gauze or clean cloth, and then put it on the burned area. Replace the cloth with a new one every two to three hours.

9. Plantain Leaves
Plantain leaves is a popular remedy for treating burns. Plantain leaves are rich with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihemorrhagic, and expectorant properties.

  • Crush some fresh plantain leaves to extract the juice. Rub the juice directly onto the burn.
  • You can also pound the leaf gently with a small heavy object and then wrap the leaf around the affected area. Pounding the leaf helps release its juices.

10. Onion Juice
Onion juice has chemicals like sulphur compounds and quercetin that can relieve pain, help heal the burn and reduce the chance of blistering.

  • Cut a fresh onion and apply the juice onto the burn. Only use freshly cut onions, as after a few minutes onions lose their medicinal properties.
  • Repeat the process several times a day.

These remedies are only for minor and first-degree burns. For serious burns, you must see a doctor for medical treatment.

Diet for Minor Burns

It is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet in order to enable proper healing of burns. Individuals who suffer from widespread burns require an increased supply of nutrients. The diet must provide you with adequate fluids, potassium and sodium, as they are necessary for healing. They help the skin to retain moisture and prevent blistering in case of second degree and third degree burns. The process of healing also requires protein and essential minerals. Zinc is an important mineral that aids in tissue repair. It can be obtained from foods such as yogurt, fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Vitamins A and C help in preventing infections. You should avoid drinking coffee if you have suffered any burns, because it works like a natural diuretic and depletes fluids from the body. Also avoid drinking alcohol as it causes the increases the stress on the kidneys and contributes to dehydration. Water and other fluids are vital to individuals who suffer burns as dehydration can worsen the condition. Besides water, you can also consume broths or soups as they will help to balance the fluid levels in the body. You can even drink tomato juice, as it is a good source of vitamin C and also contains zinc. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices may also be added to the daily diet.

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