Let’s talk about traditional male enhancement pumps.
As we’ve stated time and again on the is site, the best type of pump is a hydro pump for natural male enhancement. There are several very real dangers when using a vacuum pump.
Side effects of using a penis pump can include:
- Pinpoint-sized red dots (petechiae). This is caused by bleeding under the surface of the skin of the penis.
- Numbness, coldness or bluish-colored skin. This can occur when the constriction band is in place.
- Pain or bruising. Knowing how to use the penis pump correctly can help you avoid injury to your penis.
- Feeling of trapped semen. You may feel like your semen is trapped when you ejaculate, or ejaculation might be painful. Some manufacturers make constriction rings with a small cutout that might help with this.
Penis pumps have some other possible drawbacks:
- Unnatural-feeling erections. Penis pumps can cause an erection that doesn’t feel natural or spontaneous. You might have a lack of firmness at the base of the penis, which can allow the penis to rotate or pivot more than it would with a natural erection.
The benefit of using a hydro pump:
- Less risk of bruising.
- Less risk of bursting blood vessels.
- Tension is evenly distributed along the penis.
- Your penis doesn’t go numb or get cold.
- Overall much less risk.
- 200 times more effective.